Monday, 13 December 2010

Feedback on the show What people thought

Feedback on the show (what People thought)

On the night of the show I got feedback from the people who looked at my exhibit.

The following is all the feedback that I got from the people who looked at my Work.

(1) Very good Product it’s obvious you’ve put a lot of time and effort into it so well done. (Jack)

(2) Very good concept and execution. You have really captured the spirit of the genre; many products display your enthusiasm and commitment to the course, well done!!! (Armando)

(3) Excellent Timing Well Done (Clive)

(4) Fantastic Work

(5) Nice one buddy good job, love the soundtrack-can see it on the shelves, Good Camera direction, Creative use of Sound effects and well cast, Diverse Soundtrack draws attention -doesn’t feel like visual context- positive- Creating Narrative that conforms to high expectation. Would make a Great Summer Blockbuster, Nice one Bud! (Tom)

(6) Great work, I think the actors in the trailer are amazing! Very good soundtrack, well done. (Liz)

(7) Fantastic, you’ve done so much work, its great! The actors I Think are the best!! Music fits really well; everything has been put together really well, well done. (Jenny)

(8) Mmmm... Very funny. The best of the films you ever made well done.

(9) Brilliant.

(10) Love the Movie, The Soundtrack fits really well, Imaginative shots to set up the scene of impending doom (Lawrence Hartwell)

(11) It’s Awesome- I want to see More! (Gabe: aged 9)

(12) I loved the character designs, and I thought the music was pretty cool. (Dylan Stratton Darling)

For the Marketing side of the Show i created a Facebook "Event" Page here is the screenshot of the Facebook page

For the Show we each designed a Mini Poster for our own work.
the aim of the posters was not to put too much information on the posters and make people want to know more.

Monday, 6 December 2010

Last week I captured the footage and edited the footage into My Final Cut Pro project and saved it so that i could edit later on during the week. Later on I Went to edit it the next day and everything had disappeared but this week I have managed to redo the trailer and have double saved it so that this sort of thing won't happen again.

I also learned that the show was still going to happen on the 8th despite the fact that we had a meeting with the performing arts side and both sides agreed to put the show back a week.

Now with only 48 Hours till the show the pressure is on. Hopefully this show will work out

The Catering has been sorted out and i am going to be writing my Blurb about my part of the Exhibit.